Friday, February 12, 2010

Update....and Earthquake!

Hey ya doin? We are taking a pitstop in Iowa due to the immense fog....will be moving soon, but I hope you enjoy what I grab for you this morning.

Are you all set for Valentines Day?? Honey Bear keeps surprising me with gifts and doing sweet things for me, I wish I knew what to give HIM for v-day...sigh...

Well, enjoy and be safe...OH! I forgot to tell you the other day - did you hear about the earthquake in Illinois the other day? It happened in my son and family live there, so needless to say, I was a worry wart!

There IS a fault out of Missouri/southern Illinois, but this one hit my hometown....who would have thought, in the middle of the US....everyone is safe and shook houses, dropped stuff from shelves, but mostly woke everyone up out of bed. It happened just before 4 am.

So, always be prepared for ANYTHING is my motto!

Have a wonderful day,



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