Saturday, May 2, 2009

Just A Side Note...

Have you read my review on Jesus Calling? (Located on right side of screen under reviews).

Well, I just wanted to say something extra here.

I've been reading this daily for awhile now and it reminds me of a book that someone gave me once, where it daily had an inspiration about being a Princess in our Father's eyes. This little book has inspired me greatly. I read scripture, I read the day's page and it really helps start my day, really...There's only been one day that my emotions went the wrong way and sure enough, it set my day in the wrong way, BUT...the greatest thing I wanted to share with you is, it made me remember one really big thing...

I'm NOT the bad I feel inside of me when life gets so out of control, I fall, I don't fail...He IS my strength in my weakness....

And let me tell you, truly believing this SETS YOU FREE.....I was able to get through three really trying days, that without this really soaking up in me, would have put me in a self pity hell that I wouldn't be able to see God's ways thoroughly OR appreciate them, because things turned out BETTER with this knowledge in my faith did NOT falter and that's amazing through those days!

So, seriously, this little book IS a great read, it IS a great gift and it IS a little voice to tuck away in your heart daily...

I hope you truly consider it (I make no money off the review, so this is a sincere post just for you!)

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