Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Nice Children Statement...

All the while I raised my son, who is now 22, out of college and working his first salaried job (so proud of him)....I gave my son all I did not have physically and emotionally, that I could afford to give (on good days, bad days, money days, broke days) didnt matter...I never spoiled him though, I treated him like a human being and do you want to know what? He is my best friend...manly, yet caring, he was always so proud of me, wrote of me often in school reports, has tons of friends, our house was the IT house to go to every single day....he would never keep anything from me by HIS choice....we had a great time his whole life....

I just read this statement and it is so true, please, try to keep it in the back of YOUR mind because this is exactly what I did while raising him:

Sometimes in our attempt to give children what we did not have, we forget to give our children what we did have.
Connie Podesta



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